
Save Time.
Save Money.

Smooth Transfer.

The 2+2 transfer program has been designed by Kuyper to save students time and money. 

If you have an Associate of Arts degree from an accredited community college, you qualify to graduate in 2 years from Kuyper College with a marketable bachelor's degree with a possible double major!

Read more below!

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Save Time & Money

Based on the Michigan Transfer Agreement, the Kuyper 2+2 program is intended to remove time and financial barriers for students who desire a bachelor’s degree in the following selected programs by completing just 60 to 66 additional credits. That’s only two years.

     - Business leadership

     - Interdisciplinary studies

     - Ministry leadership

     - Social work (66 credits)*

*This program is longer due to accreditation requirements of the program


We are committed to making your transfer process as seamless as possible. Our transfer student admissions counselor will guide you. From application, financial aid awards, and transfer to Kuyper, they will be with you every step of the way.

You won't find a more personal process and a team of individuals dedicated to serving you and seeing to your educational success. It is just a part of the community we believe in!

​<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;"><span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Kristyn DeNooyer</span></span>
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Kuyper’s commitment to affordability quite literally made my undergraduate degree possible.
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- Kristyn DeNooyer

CEO, Olive & Root Communications





​<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Isaac Riddle</span>
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The faculty at Kuyper created in me a heart for learning, education and ministry that I didn’t even know was possible to have.
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- Isaac Riddle

Associate Pastor of Young Adults, Ravenna Baptist Church





​<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Christianna Ransom</span>
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My years at Kuyper have been some of the best years of my life.  I have met some of my best friends here.
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- Christianna Ransom

Venue Specialist at Port 393